Сорбиновая кислота (E200) Порошок

Торговый порт:Shanghai Время выполнения заказа:15-20 working days
Референтная цена FOB / Количество покупки
1 ton (Минимальный заказ)
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Titanium dioxide, pigments, fillers, alcohols
Основная информация


Sorbic Acid is an naturally occurring organic compound first isolated from unripe berries. Sorbic acid has been used as a food preservative and as an inhibitor of Clostridium Botulinum bacteria in meat products in order to reduce the amount of nitrites which produce carcinogenic nitroamines. Non-TSCA use.

Items Specifications
Appearance white crystalline powder
Solubility Very soluble in N,N-Dimethylformamide,Soluble in methanol,Sparingly soluble inglacial acetic acid, Very slightly soluble inchloroform, Practically insoluble in water.
Melting Point 152°C~156°C

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